Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lucky two year old

Daniel inherited a huge tub of Thomas the Tank Engine tracks, trains and accessories from his cousins almost a year ago. When he caught the train fever this fall, we pulled out some of the stuff for him to play with. After Daniel was sleeping peacefully in his room the night before his second birthday, Brian and I moved a larger coffee table into the TV room and covered it with a new Thomas play mat.  Then we pulled out the tub of Thomas stuff and set to work building a cool train configuration with stuff from the bin Daniel had never seen. Brian's friend Tim happened to stop by our house that evening and found Brian and I playing with trains hard at work setting the tracks up. Tim has three kids and two of them are boys so he acted as our construction foreman and helped us maximize our space with a great track set-up. When Daniel woke up bright and early on his birthday morning he was happily surprised when he saw his Thomas "train table".

1 comment:

Jeff and Val said...

Sunglasses in the house?! Does he run into the walls when he wears them inside?