Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally an update!

Has it really been two months since I last updated our blog? We're all doing great but Daniel is ALL OVER THE PLACE! I've started taking my own nap during his naptime because the kid WEARS ME OUT!! He loves running around, making people laugh, dancing, and climbing. He is also quite the little mischief maker. Daniel is fully aware when he is doing something naughty and he just looks at you with a sly smile and laughs.

Anyway, here are some photos of what we've been up to the past couple months (besides chasing Daniel and telling him to get down from table tops.) Above is a photo from our last trip to the zoo where Daniel rode the train for the first time.

Here is Daniel at Hendry's Beach (or as Daniel and I call it, "Daddy's Beach"). As summer was ending, the hot weather decided to peak so Daniel and I spent as many days at the beach with our friends as we could. After getting Daniel thoroughly worn out from playing in the sand and water, he'd pass out in the car on the way home and we'd both take a nice, long afternoon nap. Ahhh, summertime!

Daniel also got a chance to cheer me on during the Santa Barbara Sprint Triathlon at the end of August. (See his cute "Go Mommy" shirt?) It was my first triathlon and I had a really fun time.

Brian celebrated his 30th birthday on August 24th. The big day he celebrated by taking his boat on an overnight surfing trip to the ranch. The rest of the week he had several birthday dinners.

Daniel got to hang out with his "cousins" Sequoia and Kai (Val and Jeff's nephews). The highlight for Daniel was being pedaled around by Seqouia in this petty cab/rickshaw. Daniel kept signing "more" and clapping his hands. Daniel loves hanging out with older "big" kids!

For Brian's 30th birthday present he flew with a friend to Mexico for a week and a half long surf trip. He got a few awesome photos and some fun surf. Before the trip, I had glorious plans of spending the time while Brian was away starting (and possibly finishing) making a photo baby book of Daniel's first year. Ummm, yeah, that plan didn't really come to fruition. Not one photo was even uploaded. In the past, when Brian would go on a surf trip, I found that I was super productive at home and would finish big projects. The life of a "surf widow" sure is different when you also have an energetic toddler! Daniel wouldn't want to go to sleep at night- I think he was waiting for Brian to come home. Let's just say that Daniel and I were both really happy when Brian returned home.

Finally, at the end of September, I finished the Carpinteria Sprint Triathlon. This tri was a little longer than the SB one and I think I enjoyed it even more. The best part of the triathlon was seeing Daniel's sweet little face cheering me on. Oh, and getting flowers. I like that too.


Jeff and Val said...

Yay for updates! Keep 'em coming!

Hilary said...

Wow Ashley!! So impressive :) Glad to hear you guys are still alive.