Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Mullet

As many of you may be aware of, Brian is fond of mullets. He has his own mullet wig he purchased a few Halloweens ago that is shockingly realistic. Well, Brian hasn't had a haircut for a LONG time and when my sister was in town she decided to put an end to it. Before she cut his hair, Brian made it into a mullet and even sported it during a surf session in Ventura. He wanted to take a photo of him so he has evidence of his day with a mullet. I can't believe that I am even posting this for all to see. Note Daniel's unamused expression in the background.

Brian's new goal is to grow Daniel's hair into a mullet-which is why we haven't cut his hair for ages. Believe me, I would NOT be allowing this to happen if we had a daughter. For the record, if someone accidentally happened to trim Daniel's hair while babysitting him (cough, cough, Mom) I would not be upset!

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