Sunday, July 25, 2010

Concerts in the Park

Santa Barbara also has a summer concert series every Thursday during the summer. We've never gone, because well, frankly we are too lazy to go "all the way" downtown from Goleta. This past Thursday, my cousin Melissa and I decided to go because the Hawaiian band "Hapa" was playing.  I love Hapa's music and we even used a couple of their songs during our wedding ceremony. Brian didn't join us because he was on a chartered boat surfing the Channel Islands. (I'm sure he was really bummed to miss out. Ha ha!)

Anyway, apparently you need to stake out the good spots earlier in the day. We got there late and ended up in the back of the park and couldn't see the band or hear them too well. We still had a great time- especially Daniel! The back of the park seemed to be where all the little kids congregate and it was so amusing watching the toddler mosh pit.

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