Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goodbye Preschool!

I can't believe my little guy is finished with preschool. The school celebrated the end of the school year and the kids moving on to kindergarten with a carnival potluck picnic in the park. Daniel had been diligently practicing his graduation song, "Mahalo" by singing it constantly. He had an amazing time at Goleta Valley Nursery School. He is sad to leave his school and teachers and I only hope he loves kindergarten as much as GVNS. We are sad to be leaving all the wonderful teachers too, but excited that Kendall will be able to attend soon.

Daniel and his grandpas.

Uncle B-Dub and Daniel.
Daniel with his teachers, Ms. Thompson, Ms. Koke, Mrs. Raman, Ms. Pet, and Ms. Tajima.

Daniel with co-directors Mrs. Lenaburg and Mrs. Tappeiner. Mrs. Lenaburg is "graduating" too as she retires this year.

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