Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Brian and I woke up to a chilly, rainy Christmas morning which made for a cozy atmosphere. After brewing our tea and anxiously waiting for Daniel to wake up, we went ahead and woke up our little sleepyhead. Daniel wanted to stay in his bed and sleep until we told him that Santa Claus had been to the house. Then he quickly jumped out of bed with a "Ho Ho!" (his name for the big guy). One of his favorite presents- Brian's old electric train that magically turns up every Christmas morn.

On our way to my parents' house. Daniel is showing off his mittens he got in his stocking.

Trying out Grandpa's Christmas present- electronic drums!
Later that evening, we all headed over to Uncle Randy and Auntie Mary's place for a fabulous Christmas dinner.
My parents sporting the "apres ski" style.
My little GQ guy. No look is complete without the yellow rain boots. Daniel enjoys his Christmas tie so much that he paired it with a t-shirt a different day. Who knew it would be the all occasion tie?

Snacking on brie cheese and crackers- a recent favorite hors d'oevres of Daniel's. He's even been known to forgo the crackers and just eat chunks of brie!
My cousins Brian and Melissa modeling the latest in "Young 20 something" fashion.

Daniel's favorite part of the evening: running around with Uncle Randy's headlamp. I guess I should have shopped for his presents at REI this year.
The requisite Christmas Day family photo.
Another favorite of Daniel's that evening was his new alligator sleeping bag from Brian and Melissa. He made Grandma get inside the bag while he jumped on top of her.

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